
Switch Case Simplified: 5 Solved Practice Questions

This is the solution for the practice question set on the concepts of switch case and fall through. You can find the corresponding list of questions here. Try solving the questions yourself before you go through the solutions.

Grade Classification Based on Marks


Problem: Write a program to classify a student’s grade based on marks using a `switch` statement. The program should convert the student's marks to a grade letter:

     - 90-100: "A"

     - 80-89: "B"

     - 70-79: "C"

     - 60-69: "D"

     - Below 60: "Fail"

Condition: To handle ranges in a `switch` statement, you can first convert marks to tens (e.g., 87 becomes 8) and use this in the `switch` case. Print the corresponding grade for each range.



import java.util.*;

class Main


    public static void main(String[] args)


        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

        //declaring all variables

        int marks,tens;

        //taking the marks as input

        System.out.print("Enter the student's marks : ");



        System.out.print("The grade is ");

        //performing calculations



            case 9:



            case 8:



            case 7:



            case 6:









Day of the Week Finder

Problem: Write a program that takes a number between 1 and 7 as input (e.g., 1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday) and displays whether it is a Weekday or a Weekend using the concept of `fall through` in switch.



import java.util.*;

class Main


    public static void main(String[] args)


        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

        //declaring all variables

        int day;

        //taking the day number as input

        System.out.println("For 1 = Monday and 7 = Sunday...");

        System.out.print("Enter the day number : ");


        System.out.print("The day is a ");

        //performing calculations



            case 1:

            case 2:

            case 3:

            case 4:

            case 5:



            case 6:

            case 7:




                System.out.println("Invalid Input.");





Vending Machine Simulator


Problem: Create a vending machine simulator that displays options for beverages:

     - 1: Coffee - ₹20

     - 2: Tea - ₹15

     - 3: Juice - ₹30

     - 4: Water - ₹5

Condition: Use a `switch` statement to take the user’s choice. Then take the number of beverages required as input and print the final bill. If the user selects an invalid option, print "Invalid selection."



import java.util.*;

class Main


    public static void main(String[] args)


        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

        //declaring all variables

        int choice, count;

        //taking the choice as input

        System.out.println("1: Coffee - Rs 20");

        System.out.println("2: Tea - Rs 15");

        System.out.println("3: Juice - Rs 30");

        System.out.println("4: Water - Rs 5");

        System.out.print("Enter the user's choice : ");


        //taking the count of beverages required as input

        System.out.print("Enter the no. of beverages required : ");


        System.out.print("The final bill is Rs ");

        //performing calculations



            case 1:



            case 2:



            case 3:



            case 4:




                System.out.println("Invalid selection.");





Leap Year Checker Based on the Month and Year

Problem: Write a program that takes a month (1-12) and year as input and determines the number of days in that month, using the concept of fall through in `switch` statement. 


     - For February (month = 2), if it's a leap year, print "29 days"; otherwise, print "28 days."

     - For months with fixed days (April, June, September, and November), print "30 days."

     - For other months, print "31 days."

Use the `switch` statement to handle each month's case and apply an additional check for February.



import java.util.*;

class Main


    public static void main(String[] args)


        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

        //declaring all variables

        int month,year;

        //taking the month and year as input

        System.out.print("Enter the month number : ");


        System.out.print("Enter the year : ");


        System.out.print("The month has : ");

        //performing calculations



            case 1:

            case 3:

            case 5:

            case 7:

            case 8:

            case 10:

            case 12:

                System.out.println("31 Days.");


            case 4:

            case 6:

            case 9:

            case 11:

                System.out.println("30 Days.");


            case 2:

                if(year%4==0 && year%100!=0 || year%400==0)


                    System.out.println("29 Days.");




                    System.out.println("28 Days.");




                System.out.println("Invalid Input.");





Simple Calculator 

Problem: Create a simple calculator using a `switch` case to handle different operations based on a menu. The menu should display:

     - 1: Addition

     - 2: Subtraction

     - 3: Multiplication

     - 4: Division


After the user chooses an option, prompt them to enter two numbers and perform the selected operation. Include a default case that says "Invalid operation, please try again."



import java.util.*;

class Main


    public static void main(String[] args)


        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

        //declaring all variables

        int choice, num1, num2;

        //taking the choice as input

        System.out.println("1: Addition");

        System.out.println("2: Subtraction");

        System.out.println("3: Multiplication");

        System.out.println("4: Division");

        System.out.println("5: Modulus");

        System.out.print("Enter the user's choice : ");


        //taking the numbers required as input

        System.out.print("Enter the first number : ");


        System.out.print("Enter the second number : ");


        //performing calculations



            case 1:

                System.out.println("Sum : "+(num1+num2));


            case 2:

                System.out.println("Difference : "+(num1-num2));


            case 3:

                System.out.println("Product : "+(num1*num2));


            case 4:

                System.out.println("Quotient : "+(num1/num2));


            case 5:

                System.out.println("Remainder : "+(num1%num2));



                System.out.println("Invalid selection.");






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